
编辑:时间:2016-09-14 09:10:24 浏览次数:






为深入探讨这一议题,江西财经大学主办,江西财经大学统计学院、江西财经大学应用统计研究中心、中国人民大学统计学院、意大利佛罗伦萨大学与澳大利亚昆士兰大学联合承办的“国际购买力平价及GDP与生活水平的国际比较”国际研讨会,将于2016年10月13-14日江西泰耐克国际大酒店举行。本次会议邀请了收入分配和国际购买力比较领域一流的国内外专家,就世界银行国际比较项目和中国相关问题的理论与实践展开讨论,其中包括长期参与世界银行国际比较项目的技术专家:佛罗伦萨大学教授、意大利国家统计局原局长、国际统计学会前副会长Luigi Biggeri教授和昆士兰大学Prasada Rao教授、世界银行著名经济学家Yuri Dikhanov,长期跟踪中国实践研究的北京师范大学邱东教授、国家统计局国际统计信息中心余芳东副主任、北京师范大学经济统计学专家学者邱东教授、中国人民大学统计学院院长赵彦云教授,以及经济和统计届的资深教授:佛罗伦萨大学Guido Ferrari教授,梅西大学Srikanta Chatterjee教授,亚洲开发银行经济学家Eileen Capilit等。演讲的主题包括PPP项目的最新进展,现行的货币汇率对于各国人民的生活水平的比较,中国参与比较的国内外影响因素等。会议议程附后











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Research ProjeCct

A.Y. 2015 - 2016


Jiangxi University of   Finance and Economics, Nanchang

Thursday 13 – Friday 14 October 2016

II   International Conference on Sub-national PPPs, Real GDP and Living Condition   Comparisons



Comparisons of Sub-national Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs), real GDP and living conditions are becoming increasingly important for central and local governments’ economic, social and political decision making, as well as for investment choices by entrepreneurs. Public and private policy makers are concerned with comparisons of standards of living, well-being and poverty conditions across regions. Evidence based decision making requires critical information on real per capita expenditures and other economic aggregates comparable across regions. Sub-national PPPs emerge as an appropriate tool to convert provincial or regional aggregates to account for spatial differences in prices of goods and services.


This Conference, the second after the first conference held at Renmin University of China, Beijing in 2015, brings together researchers from National and International Organizations and academic institutions to discuss and report latest developments on methods for the compilation of sub-national PPPs and the measurement of real GDP and comparisons of living conditions across cities and provinces. The Conference also provides a forum to discuss empirical applications focusing on sub-national PPPs in selected countries including China, India, Italy, Philippines and the United States of America.


Conference   Schedule


Thursday 13 October, Morning


09:00-09:30  Opening Ceremony

Introduction to the Conference: Yanyun Zhao, Guido Ferrari, Luigi Biggeri

Official Speech: Wang Jun, Director, Center for International Statistical Information, NBS


Comparisons of GDP and Living Conditions - the need for Sub-national PPPs


Chairman: D.S. Prasada Rao

09:30-09:55  Srikanta Chatterjee (Massey University, Palmerston North), The Changing Macroeconomic Imbalances and the role of the PPP and other Exchange Rates in China’s GDP Estimation

09:55-10:20  Ranjan Ray*, Amita Majumder**, and Ray Sattwik***(*Monash University, Australia, **Indian Statistical Institute, and ***Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, India), Global and Country Poverty Rates, Welfare Rankings of the Regions and Purchasing Power Parities: How Robust Are the Results?

10:20-10:40  Coffee break

10:40-11:05  Luigi Biggeri*, and Monica Pratesi(*University of Florence and **University of Pisa), Poverty -Specific PPPs- Indicators at local level: issues and possible solutions

11:05-11:30  Dong Qiu (Beijing Normal University), Some thoughts on PPP methods applied in China

11:30-12:00  Discussion


Thursday 13 October, Afternoon


Current Research Projects on Sub-national PPPs by International Institutions


Chairman: Eric Figueroa

14:30-14:55  Yuri Dikhanov (World Bank), The computation of Sub-National PPPs: the ICPs research program and the experience carried out in Africa and Asia

14:55-15:20  Eileen Capilit (Asian Development Bank), The approach for computing Sub-National PPPs followed by ADB and results obtained for some east Asian countries

15:20-15:40  Coffee break


Current Research Projects on Sub-national PPPs by National Institutions


Chairman: Yuri Dikhanov

15:40-16:05  Bettina H. Aten, and Eric B. Figueroa (US Bureau of Economic Analysis), Real Personal Income and Regional Price Parities

16:05-16:30  Guido Ferrari*, and Yanun Zhao** (*University of Florence and **Renmin University of China), China Cross Province GDP and Living conditions Comparisons

16:30-16:55  Chao Fan (National Bureau of Statistics of China), A Review and Research Prospects of Country Product Dummy (CPD) Method

16:55-17:20  Fangdong Yu(National Bureau of Statistics of China),The Study on the Differentials of the Regional Price Level in China

Friday 14 October, Morning


Research on Sub-national PPPs by Academics


Chairman: Eileen Capilit

09:00-09:25  D.S. Prasada Rao, Robert J. Hill, Sriram Shankar and Reza Hajargasht (University of Queeensland, Australia), Spatial Chaining Methods for International and Sub-National Comparisons of Prices and Real Expenditures

09:25-09:50  Luigi Biggeri*, and Luca Secondi** (*University of Florence, and **University of Tuscia, Italy), Estimation of regional price parities for household consumption in Italy by using expenditure survey data

09:50-10:15  Tiziana Laureti*, and Federico Polidoro** (*University of Tuscia and ** Italian National Statistical Institute, Istat, Italy), Testing the use of scanner data for computing sub-national Purchasing Power Parities in Italy

10:15-10:40  Coffee break

10:40-11:45  Round Table  The Computation of Sub-national PPPs and their Use in Cross Province GDP and Living Conditions Comparisons. Attendants: Dikhanov, Capilit, Figueroa, Polidoro, Pratesi, Wang Jun, Biggeri, Rao. Moderators: Ferrari, Zhao.

11:45-12:00  Closing Ceremony

Guido Ferrari, Yanyun Zhao, Liangqing Luo


Organizing   Committee: Luo Liangqing (President), Luo Shihua, Yu Chun

Scientific Committee:  Zhao Yanyun (President), Luigi Biggeri, Luo   Liangqing, D.S. Prasada Rao, Guido Ferrari