
Schedule for the doctoral dissertation defense in statistics for the class of 2023

编辑:时间:2023-05-20 20:17:26 浏览次数:

Defense Experts:

Chair: York University                     Wu Yuehua       Professor/Doctoral supervisor


Nanchang University                      Liu Min          Professor

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics   Jiang Chonghui    Professor/Doctoral supervisor

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics   Luo Shihua       Professor/Doctoral supervisor

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics   Sheng Jiliang      Professor/Doctoral supervisor



Respondent: Zeinab Rizk                    Faculty advise: Liu Xiaohui

Title: Some Topics on Regularized Regression with Complex Data and Its Applications


Respondent: Junaid Ashraf                   Faculty advise: Luo Liangqing

Title: Statistical and Spatial Econometrics Analysis of Institutions, Growth, and Environment Nexus——Based on the Belt and Road Initiative



Secretary: Liu Yuzi


Time: May 22nd (Monday) 14:30-16:30 pm


Venue: Conference Room 315, North Complex, School of Statistics and Data Science


Welcome all teachers and students to observe and guide!