
编辑:时间:2023-07-09 13:49:03 浏览次数:

近日,我校统计与数据科学学院刘小惠教授与合作者Wei Long教授、杨炳铎教授及彭亮教授在统计学国际顶级期刊Journal of the American Statistical Association上发表了题为A Unified Inference for Predictive Quantile Regression的研究文章。我校统计与数据科学学院、财经数据科学重点实验室为第一联合单位。






The asymptotic behavior of quantile regression inference becomes dramatically different when it involves a persistent predictor with zero or nonzero intercept. Distinguishing various properties of a predictor is empirically challenging. In this article, we develop a unified predictability test for quantile regression regardless of the presence of intercept and persistence of a predictor. The developed test is a novel combination of data splitting, weighted inference, and a random weighted bootstrap method. Monte Carlo simulations show that the new approach displays significantly better size and power performance than other competing methods in various scenarios, particularly when the predictive regressor contains a nonzero intercept. In an empirical application, we revisit the quantile predictability of the monthly S&P 500 returns between 1980 and 2019. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.




刘小惠教授长期从事统计深度函数、时间序列分析、混合效应模型、高维低秩迹回归等领域的研究,在统计深度函数的计算和稳健性质推导、带有非平稳特性时间序列模型的一致(Unified)检验等方向上做出了原创性工作,在《中国科学数学》,《数学学报》,Journal of American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics、Journal of Business & Economic Statistics、Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics、Journal of Statistical Software、Statistica Sinica、Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics及Annals of Tourism Research等国内外期刊上发表录用相关学术论文60余篇。先后解决投影深度的精确计算、Tukey中位数有限样本崩溃点表达式的推导等公开问题,相关方面的成果得到过比利时科学院院士稳健统计领域国际知名专家Peter Rousseeuw教授、耶鲁大学著名计量经济学家Phillips, P. C. B.教授等同行学者论文的引用。近年来,也积极参与指导学院年轻教师、研究生学生工作,开展高维数据分析、数据融合等数据科学领域的研究,并一起在国内外权威A及权威B+等刊物上发表录用合作论文多篇。




(图文/万心玥 编辑/谢雨欣 审核/林阳 陶春海)